grazing meat goats

on the farm

marketing meat goats

raising goats


Hi I'm Leslie

I'm a full-time farmer in Western Wisconsin where I raise meat goats and sheep on pasture using regenerative and rotational grazing practices.

I created this website because
I had so many people reaching out, both locally and beyond, wanting to know more about how I was raising and marketing goats.

I also recognized that it IS so hard to find information in this space. I wanted to share what I've learned along the way and reduce your time searching the depths of the internet.


Newborn goat care after birthing

Kidding season can be an exciting, yet stressful time on the farm. There’s a lot of uncertainty when newborn goats will arrive and how much you might have to assist the doe in the birthing process.

This article will cover the basics of what you need to do when your first newborn goats arrive after delivery and how to care for them.

I may earn affiliate income from links in the blog post. I only promote products I actually use in my farm and business.

farmer caring for a newborn goat kid

Steps to care for new baby goats

Here’s what you need to do to care for new baby goats after kidding:

  1. Trim the umbilical cord

    Trim the baby goat’s umbilical cord with a pair of disinfected scissors. Then dip the umbilical cord in iodine to prevent infection.

    I will typically use a small plastic disposable shot glass with the iodine to dip the umbilical cord.

  2. Make sure the newborn goat starts to nurse

    Then make sure the newborn goat starts to nurse the doe. In most cases, the baby goat should start trying to stand and instinctively try to nurse.

    This is important so the newborn goats get colostrum to ensure a strong and healthy start. Sometimes this means I might have to help.

  3. Take the weight of the baby goat

    Weigh the newborn goat and record it.

  4. Put an ID on the goat kid

    Ear tag or use a temporary paper ID band on the baby goat. If using the ID band, write the dam’s number (mom), date of birth, and gender.

  5. Record important information

    Record in a notebook or goat record-keeping app: gender, weight, ear tag, and anything notable with the birth.

    Typically I’m keeping my notes on a note pad and then I’ll move it to our online record-keeping system.

    I would prefer to do it all at once online, but my phone doesn’t always work well with the internet in our barn.

  6. Move the doe and kids into a kidding pen

    Next, I’ll move the doe and her newborn goats to a smaller kidding pen, often called a jug, for 24-48 hours to aid with bonding.

    If there are more than two baby goats or a mom and kids seems like they might need more time in this stage they’ll stay together in this pen for another day or two.

Goat care after kidding

Once the new baby goat is dry, clean, and has eaten. I’ll make sure the doe is doing well. 

Goat care after kidding for the doe includes 

  1. Freshwater, usually with electrolytes 
  2. Slice of high quality hay, such as alfalfa hay
  3. If had to assist with the birth or had to reposition any of the baby goats before the birth, I’ll give the doe antibiotics to prevent infection.
doe with newborn goats

Birthing goat kit essentials

Below you’ll find a list of the essential supplies to have in your birthing goat kit to care for your new baby goats when they arrive after birthing.

You’ll likely add more to your kidding kit over time, but these are the essentials.

You can find all of these supplies on Walmart here or listed below.

Shopping list for kidding kit

kidding kit essentials list

Video: How to care for a new baby goat

Watch this short video where I walk through the steps I take to work with new baby goats.

Video: Watch a goat give birth

Watch the video below to see a goat give birth, clean her baby, the baby get up on it’s own and start to nurse. It gives you an idea of the full progression of birth and life.

Blog was original published April 11, 2023

About the author

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